Coach Fellow Alumni

Alumni2Alumni Connections Program

Alumni2Alumni (A2A) Connections offers Schulich alumni peer-to-peer coaching for professional development. Alumni peers bring fresh perspectives on career challenges, and advice on how to further your career goals.

Volunteering for A2A Connections has many benefits including building camaraderie, spreading positivity, and making a positive impact on a fellow alum’s career path. To learn more, read the A2A Connections program guidelines.

How to Volunteer as a Peer Coach

  • Sign in to the Schulich Global Alumni Hub
  • Update your profile and check “Willing to be a Mentor” and
    “Alumni2Alumni Connections”
  • Fellow alumni can search the directory, view your profile, and make a
    mentorship request
  • Sign in to the Schulich Alumni Online Community to view and respond
    to these requests
Two women posing and smiling for the camera, with others in the background mingling.

How to Find a Peer Coach

  • Sign in to the Schulich Global Alumni Hub
  • In the directory, use the “Refine your Search” box and check
    “Willing to be a Mentor” and “Alumni2Alumni Connection” to find alumni volunteers
  • Refine your search by degree, location, industry, or company
  • Once you find a potential peer coach, visit their profile and click
    “Request mentorship” to send a message expressing your request for mentorship
Four people sitting around a table participating at an Alumni Mentor event.